Conquer Your Anxiety, Fear, and Stress at All Levels: Past, Present and Future

Most don't know how to clear their own stress, they only know how to manage and live with it. No one ever taught us how to dissolve our stress and clear it out completely. This stress is a frequency that attaches itself to our energy field. Just like sweat is created throughout our day, especially when we get excited or perform a physical activity, we need to clean the body of that sweat and dirt. If we don't clean the body, or if we skip it for a week, what happens? Nothing good. It's the same with our stress energy: We accumulate it everyday and if we don't clean or clear it out, it spreads and grows stronger inside us and creates more stress. People usually deal with their stress by drinking wine, smoking a joint, working out, meditating, etc. While that makes people feel better temporarily, it doesn't dissolve the stress and shortly it will return stronger than before. Because energy is constantly expanding. Energy Awareness Training teaches you not only how to identify where...

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Business & Achievement

Your ability to see, evaluate and act upon situations and conditions clearly and accurately, is the key to your success. Imagine if you were trained to see and identify hidden energy patterns, information and conditions so that you could know the probable outcome in areas of hiring, marketing, investments, partners and strategies. How valuable would that be? Energy Awareness Training gives you a decisive advantage over your competition by increasing your performance, enhancing employee management, improving productivity, sales, and company growth. 

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Family Dynamics

Most parents are not energetically aware nor have the energy skills to handle the stress. They can often react with anger, violence, physical and emotional abuse, addiction and abandonment. The children will then be affected by their parents' behavior and, with no energy skills or training to deal with that, the negative destructive energies will attach to them and remain with them for life unless it is cleared now. Many of us were aghast at some of the behaviors and things our parents did, yet were surprised later on to find ourselves behaving the same way. What if families learned Energy Awareness Training to be able to deal with the stress and frustration that life brings? It would help keep families together and would lead to happier, healthier and better-adjusted children, that one day will create the same. 

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As children, adolescents and teens, we have all been exposed to some pretty disturbing and upsetting experiences. Experts concur that these experiences can and will influence our adult years and can be the source of future unhappiness. Today's children, have never been taught how to deal with the adverse or dark side of life. They have no idea how to deal with stress, anxiety, fear, bullying, rejection, grief or loss. Most adults don't know either. Children under stress and anxiety have a hard time learning, because the stress energy interferes and dramatically decreases their ability to study and absorb information. That stress energy can also create conditions such as ADHD, learning disorders, depression and bad behavior. 

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Spirituality & Inner Peace

...been on a spiritual path for many years. You will learn how to clean, clear and cleanse the static, chaotic and turbulent energy within, which blocks or interferes with your inner peace, a quiet mind and spiritual growth. 

Many people have a problem learning or maintaining meditation, or a mindfulness practice. As part of your energy training, you will learn deep and effective meditation, relaxation and mindfulness with relative ease. Your awareness and consciousness, as well as your spiritual growth, will grow exponentially as you continue your training.   

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Addictions & Recovery

Most experts agree that addictions are a coping mechanism to deal with painful or disturbing feelings occurrences or events in life. These addictions (alcohol, drugs, sex, food, gambling, porn) temporarily mask the issue. The key word is 'temporary' because once the 'high' wears off, the disturbance and anxiety return. Many rehabilitation programs stress abstention from using the substance, and create an internal tug of war that sustains the ongoing internal struggles. Energy Awareness Training identifies the root cause of energy that is driving the addiction, dissolves, rebalances and realigns the energy to create a happy and healthy life free from addictions. Students are taught to master their own energy and identify their daily historical stress and anxiety on a regular basis in order to stay happy, in control, stress-free and addiction-free. 


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Identify and Dissolve Stuck Personal Issues You've Been Trying to Clear for Years

Why? Because traditional methods people use when they are trying to make change: books, seminars, talk therapy, positive thinking, affirmations, vision boards, religion, meditation, willpower, mediums, shamans, crystals, etc. , may achieve few results, but just enough to kick off the next round of books, seminars, affirmations etc. You can affirm, visualize, think positively, discuss the issue until the cows come home, but nothing will change, until energy moves. You will learn many ways how to move energy and be able to clear your own issues and make the necessary changes you want in your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and do it rapidly. 
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Health & Sports

In Energy Awareness Training we view any kind of troubling issue as a disruption in your energy field. Anxiety and stress disrupt your energy field. These disruptor energies will take you out of alignment or shut you down. That interferes with the body's ability to heal itself. Many of our students, who have repeatedly baffling health issues and have sought help with various professionals, learned to clean and clear their own energy and their conditions cleared up. High vibratory energy that naturally flows, circulates and that is in alignment is a key to a healthy vibrant body. For the sports and athletically-minded individual, their ability to perform at the highest levels is known as being in the zone. The ability to get into and stay in the zone is a common trait of world-class champions. The zone is an energetic frequency that you learn to be in as part of your energy training. Competitive athletes, that study Energy Awareness Training, report increased vitality,...

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Clear and Resolve Any and All Relationship Challenges and Broken Heart Pain

No matter how much you love someone, over time little annoyances, irritations, resentments, or hurt feelings can escalate, causing friction, deep division or separation. It can erode or sabotage the closeness of feelings of love you once shared, and eventually turn those feelings into hostility or the desire to separate. This is a big reason why couples break up and the divorce rate is running around 50%. Energy Awareness Training teaches you how to keep your energy clean, clear and focused on maintaining the relationship that you want, keeping it filled with love, harmony, lasting affection, and intimacy. It has saved countless relationships & marriages. It is essential if you desire a peaceful, passionate, long-term relationship. 

When a relationship ends, it can turn your life upside down. Especially when there was cheating, deceit, or unkept promises, the excruciating emotional turmoil that follows can lead people to make unwise decisions to cope with the...

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